Mission Statement
SECC’s mission is to provide quality educational resources to learners of all ages in the greater Sacramento community primarily through video and other information and communication technologies via cable systems and networks. SECC is a collaborative effort of the K-20 education community all working together toward this mission.
Board of Directors
Arcohe School | Troy Miller
Archoe School is represented on the SECC Board by Superintendent Troy Miller. Learn about the Arcohe School.
California State University, Sacramento
Learn more about the California State University, Sacramento.
Center Unified School District | Eugene Graham
Eugene Graham represents the Center Joint Unified School District on the SECC Board where he currently serves as Treasurer. He has worked in the technology field for Center since 1997, starting as a Computer Tech, then as a Network Specialist, and now as the Technology Coordinator. Graham has a long history with video production beginning in 4th grade at Del Paso Manor Elementary School where he started creating videos. He is still deeply passionate about making videos, and he continues to create videos about his outdoor adventures. His passion for technology came after he graduated Mira Loma High School in 1993 and received his first computer. He continued on to American River College where he deepened his knowledge of networking and computer graphics. Graham put this knowledge to work when he began doing volunteer work at a private school as a computer tech and running their network infrastructure. His passions for video-making and technological infrastructure make him an excellent addition to the SECC board. He has been a vital champion of the SEVA Program for the Center Joint Unified School District and we look forward to him bringing his passion and energy to the SECC board and all of its future projects.
Elk Grove Unified School District | Steve Mate
Steve Mate is the Chief Technology Officer for the Elk Grove Unified School District and previous SECC Board Chair. Mate has faithfully served on the SECC Board for Elk Grove Unified since 2013 and has exemplified his extraordinary leadership skills during his term. Mate’s strong background in education has contributed to his ability to oversee technology for the 5th largest school district in the state. He is constantly impressing his fellow board members with his ability to stay involved in the many moving pieces of his district as well as the board. Mate has a passion for educational video production and has been a large contributor to the tremendous success of the SEVA program. Mate has also been an integral part of the BESTNet program, serving as chair during a crucial time for the project. The impact of his tenure on the SECC Board cannot be overstated. Learn more about Steve Mate.
Elverta Joint Elementary School District | Mike Wells
The Elverta Joint Elementary School District is represented on the SECC Board by Superintendent Mike Wells. Learn more about the Elverta Joint Elementary School District.
Folsom Cordova Unified School District | David Stone
David Stone is the Network and Information Technology Manager for the Folsom Cordova Unified School District. Originally from Pomona, David graduated from Sacramento State University and began his work in local K-12 school districts. He served the Natomas Unified School District for 14 years before he found his home at Folsom Cordova Unified in 2013. David is well versed in the world of technology and enjoys using his skills to contribute to the exciting technological advances that happen every day in education. He also contributes his athletic abilities as a high school track and field coach. David’s dedication to service and optimistic attitude make him a great asset to the SECC board.
Galt Joint Union Elementary School District | Lois Yount
Lois Yount has been a productive member of the Galt Joint Union Elementary School District since 2000 and currently serves as the district Superintendent. A graduate of Chico State and McGeorge School of Law, Yount brings years of hard work and experience to her role on the SECC Board. She has been able to leverage the small but mighty size of her district in her partnership with SECC and in doing so has forged special relationships that have greatly contributed to the overall success of the organization. Learn more about Lois Yount.
Galt Joint Union High School District
Learn more about the Galt Joint Union High School District.
Los Rios Community College District | Gabe Ross
Gabe Ross is the Associate Vice Chancellor of Strategy and Communications at Los Rios Community College District. He has had a long and productive relationship with SECC and currently serves on the SECC Board as a Director at Large. Ross graduated from Tufts University after studying Communications and English. Ross previously led and coordinated all communications at Sacramento City Unified School District, the 13th largest school district in the state of California. Before joining the world of education, he championed media and public relations for the Sacramento River Cats, one of the most respected institutions in our region. He excels at organizational management and continues to bring this along with his leadership skills to the SECC Board. Learn more about Gabe Ross.
Merryhill Elementary & Middle School | Lizbeth Caraballo
Natomas Unified School District | Matt Rhyne
Matt Rhyne is the Executive Director of Technology in Natomas Unified School District.
Process Theatre, Inc. | Joe Parente
Joe Parente is one of the pioneers of educational television in the Sacramento region. Parente joined the SECC Board in 2004, but has had a close relationship with the organization since its beginning. His many years of service have had an extensive impact on guiding SECC to where it is today. Parente is the Producer/Director of Process Theatre, Inc. which is the only nonprofit associate of SECC. During his impressive career, Parente has produced countless hours of educational programming for SECC and helped the organization stay focused through the changing times. He brings his vast knowledge and experience to his seat on the board and is a great resource for the entire educational community. Parente is also a Professor Emeritus at Sacramento State in the Communication Studies Department. Learn more about Joe Parente.
Robla School District | Elliot Lopez
Elliot Lopez is the Chief of Technology for the Robla School District. A longtime friend of SECC, Lopez brings to the board decades of experience and success in leading innovation and change in executive roles across several school districts, non-profit organizations and private-sector companies. Throughout his career, Lopez has focused on using technology and data to improve systems, and to deliver services and programs where they are most needed and impactful. He values the way SECC empowers schools to invest in resources and programs that they might not be able to achieve individually, and is passionate about finding ways to help foster and promote in our students the voices of our future leaders.
Sacramento City Unified School District | Tim Rocco
Sacramento County Office of Education | Jerry Jones
Jerry Jones is the Executive Director of Technology Services at the Sacramento County Office of Education. His collaborative spirit and technical expertise make him a great asset to the SECC Board. Jones graduated from our local Sacramento State University with a thirst for knowledge and a curiosity that never wavers. He has cultivated and advanced his skills as a forever student in his journey through technology and education that continues to this day. With over 25 years of experience working in nearly every facet of IT, Jones brings a deep, well-rounded understanding of how organizations can best utilize IT tools and services. His skillset has also been instrumental in the continued success of BESTNet since he first joined the board in 2016. Jones is a true champion for knowledge sharing and facilitating collaboration amongst the SECC members, making him an exceptional SECC Board Chair. Learn more about Jerry Jones.
San Juan Unified School District | Peter Skibitzki
Peter Skibitzki is the Senior Director of Information Technology at San Juan Unified School District and the SECC Board Vice Chair. Not only is he a dedicated district administrator, he is also a product of the San Juan district as an alumni of Mesa Verde High School. Skibitzki experienced the launch of technology programs in the district which ignited a lifelong passion for educational technology. His passion led him to CITE where he helped shape the future of education through technology as a board member for 10 years and will soon be honored with a lifetime achievement award for his service. He has aided San Juan schools in the successful expansion and continued success of the SEVA program, ensuring students are able to share their vision outside the four walls of the classroom. Skibitzki’s commitment to expanding horizons through technology makes him a vital member of the SECC board. Since his first day on the board, he has been willing to take on new projects with enthusiasm in order to help the consortium and its members reach new heights. Learn more about Peter Skibitzki.
Twin Rivers Unified School District | Lucas Machado
Board Calendars
Board Agendas & Minutes
SECC History
On August 26, 1985, eight South Natomas residents tuned in, for the first time, to cable television, and the Sacramento Educational Cable Consortium (SECC) aired, for the first time, programming on one channel. Cable television was activated that day and SECC was the only community channel ready to provide programming. Then, SECC’s 50 hours a week of pre-recorded programs were an enormous accomplishment, especially with a two-person staff. Today, SECC’s viewers watch programming 24/7 on two channels: Cable 15 & 16. SECC is part of Sacramento’s community cable channels along with Access Sacramento, KVIE’s Cable 7, Sacramento Faith, and Metro Cable.
SECC Community Partners
Contact SECC
Sacramento Educational Cable Consortium (SECC)
4630 Northgate Blvd – Suite 160
Sacramento, CA 95834
(916) 920-1006
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Executive Director – Aaron Heinrich
Operations Manager – Naressa Hall
Production Manager – Julio Sanchez
Technology Specialist / Videographer – Nick Conklin
Production Assistant – Blake Warner