SEVA Contest
The SEVA contest is open to all Sacramento County and regional K-20 students. The contest celebrates the talents and visions of our local student video producers.
Contest Information | Rubrics | Producer Interviews | Printable Release Form | Sample Clearance Request
SEVA Award Night Celebration
SECC’s’ annual SEVA Award Night has evolved, not just into the premiere event to showcase student educational videos, but a ongoing celebration of the incredible work by SEVA students.
Award Night | Student Producer Interviews | SEVA 2023 Results | SEVA 2022 Results
SEVA Training
Getting started with SEVA? This is the place to watch SEVA examples, download curriculum for your classroom and learn about upcoming and past training events.
Individual SEVA Resources | SEVA Training | #SEVACON | SEVAFest
SEVA Studios
Student created school news programs have regular air time on educational cable each week to highlight the use of the SEVA Studios and share what’s going on at local schools.
Participating Sites | SEVA Grant Program | SEVA Teachers Meetings
SEVA TV is a unique, award-winning program that inspires students to produce educational videos to share with the community.
More About the SEVA Program
SECC is committed to continuing the development and implementation of media programs for all Sacramento students. Media programs enhance academic achievement while students learn to work collaboratively in teams and engage in projects that motivate them and connect them with their school.
With the implementation of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), Sacramento students are even more empowered to incorporate media into their daily academic lives. SECC works to put equipment and training in the hands of teachers and students to help facilitate these wonderful opportunities. Educational videos produced in these programs are shared with the community via the educational cable channels and the Student Educational Video Awards (SEVA).