“Thanks so much for your support in this transition…We appreciate the outreach and great support.”
– Gary Martin (Access Sacramento)
“I am so grateful for our partnership. We couldn’t do it without your support!”
– Connie Lee (SCOE)
“I appreciate all the support you guys have given me. You guys are a fantastic team and I was very lucky to work with all of you.”
-Catalina Martinez (Sac City Unified)
“I wanted to say how impressed I am with what you are all doing at SECC! The ability to pivot and keep things going over the last year is so amazing!”
-Alice Yu (PBS KVIE)
“Before BESTNet, each district had to buy their own Internet service, often at extremely high costs for very little bandwidth. By working with our local cable providers, SECC and the Sacramento County Office of Education built a robust, reliable, and extremely fast network that connects all of the Sacramento County school districts to the Internet at 100 Gigabits at a fraction of the cost. Most Fortune 500 companies don’t have that much bandwidth. Districts in the Sacramento County now support 1 to 1 student device programs, allowing all students to use Chromebooks or other devices on campus without fear of clogging the network. During COVID, BESTNet has allowed teachers to continue teaching their students from their classrooms without network connectivity issues, which is extremely important for direct instruction using video conferencing. BESTNet is also a critical resource for school SEVA Studio Labs that produce daily programs, student news, and providing students with hands-on learning in a video production environment. The videos are often edited through BESTNet using cloud-based video editing websites and are streamed over the network to fellow students. BESTNet is truly an amazing resource that helps schools use 21st century learning to prepare today’s students to become tomorrow’s innovators and leaders.” – Jerry Jones (SCOE)
“I just want to thank you all at SECC for providing this opportunity to our students. The equipment, technical and moral support and for bringing everybody together at the SEVA’s, has been invaluable for me and for the development of my students. The sky is the limit!!”
– Laura Harmon (SEVA Teacher)
“The DLTV students have inspired our teachers and staff to start creating content for our school. It’s been a wonderful way to keep us connected. Thank you for your continued support and for providing David Lubin with access to things like Audio Blocks. It’s made a huge difference.”
– Natalie Tamblyn (SEVA Teacher)

“I just appreciate that SECC provides a venue for the public recognition of outstanding students work. I believe students will work harder on a project if they think it might be shown outside of the classroom. The SEVA Awards and SEVATV provides students an incentive to reach for a broader audience.” – Brad Clark (SEVA Teacher)
“Hello, I just wanted to reach out and say thank you. These workshops have brought Bennett so much joy and excitement and we are so thankful for these SEVACON Workshops. She truly appreciates the opportunity to be a part of SEVACON! Thank you again.” – Kas Douglas (SEVA Parent)
“It’s awesome SECC continues to provide resources to the schools – which is especially important during the pandemic to keep students engaged and interested in something. Thank you to you and your staff for your tenacity!”
-Karen Liu (Sacramento Metropolitan Cable Television Commission)
“I just wanted to send a thank you for sending such generous prize packs and providing fun and educational experiences and opportunities for young, aspiring filmmakers like me. I really appreciate you providing such services to our schools to support our creative aspirations. Additionally, I would really like to thank you for providing me and other students with equipment that we can use to further satisfy our filmmaking needs. I really cannot thank you enough for the support you have brought me towards my future career goals. I just wanted to let you know that your efforts and events are greatly appreciated and enjoyed. Thank you again for everything you all do for the Elk Grove filmmaking community.” – Hailey Bava (SEVA Student)
“About 6 years ago, I was getting burnt out on teaching. Being part of the SECC organization has brought back the energy I needed to keep going. I incorporate video into my lessons as much as I can. My favorite part is the pitch fest. I like brain storming with students, enjoy their new ideas, and hearing what they have researched.
Filming Red Carpet interviews showed me how important SECC is to all our studios. Students are passionate about their videos. When the ZOOM cameras turned on, and they saw the SECC banner, you could hear laughter and claps. Numerous students and parents after taping, would take a moment and say ‘Please tell SECC thank you for making the virtual experience.’
Receiving the Allan Hinderstein Award means a lot to me. I want to share it with my Sunrise students, all the SECC media teachers, and you. We all work so hard teaching our future media students. We make a difference to these students and give them a platform to express their creative talents. Watching students start and finish a video is exciting for me. I enjoy seeing their faces light up, when we show case their hard work.
I truly feel lucky to be part of the SECC family.
-Trevor Harding (SEVA Teacher)

“I am privileged to work with you and the SECC team. I truly cherish our partnership and relationship as we have gotten to know each other better over these past few years.
Yes, this year has been one to challenge every aspect of life. I am grateful for my own renewed awareness of the amazing teams I get to work with as often as we do! Thank you for your ever present support and access at any point in our projects. Spectacular safety net for Growing And Learning Together!” – Jennifer Collier (PIO, Family Engagement & DMCC)
“The Family Engagement Forum provides the opportunity for school districts and community partners to collectively come together to share family and community engagement best-practice strategies, discuss school and community events, learn about professional development opportunities for those that work in the family and community engagement space, and the various ways community partners can help schools with family outreach. As someone who is new to family and community engagement, I’m thankful I can reach out to other school district FACE staff and community partners for advice and support. I’m not sure that would be the case if it wasn’t for the forum.” – Ryan Miranda (Family Engagement)

“I can’t even begin to tell you how much joining this group has changed my teaching. It really gave me a new outlook on teaching and re-inspired me to keep going. It has reaffirmed my belief that in teaching, change is not just a good thing, it is a requirement.” – Heidi Pedersen (SEVA Teacher)
“I am so sorry I am not utilizing all that you offer. It is seriously amazing and we love your support and all your check ins.” – Kaitlin Taylor (SEVA Teacher)