SEVA Studio Profile
At Katherine L. Albiani Middle School, students are able to study television journalism and produce KAMS TV out of their SEVA Studio. The show airs weekly and features campus news and special interest stories. KAMS TV students are able to explore the world of journalism, including writing, analytical thinking, interviewing, and public speaking using technology applications like Adobe Spark, WeVideo, and eDesign. The studio is student-driven, allowing students to find and present stories in their authentic voice. Student voice truly shines through every broadcast, where each student is able to find their niche while learning new skills. The work students create in class benefits the entire school community. They are also given opportunities to create content outside of the classroom, giving them real world experience.
KAMS TV students were able to show off their skills to Good Day Sac: Watch the Clip
SEVA Awards
Documentary 7-8: Where’s the Water (Honorable Mention)
PSA 7-8: Online Dangers (SEVA)
School News 7-8: Episode 3 – “Trick or Treat” (Honorable Mention)
Documentary 7-8: Having Tourette’s Isn’t a Tragedy, Having No Bacon Is (SEVA Award)
Documentary 7-8: Pandemic Pets (Honorable Mention)
Documentary 7-8: This Is Me (Honorable Mention)
Instructional 7-8: How To Ski (Honorable Mention)
School News 7-8: KAMS TV Episode 7: Scary Spectacular (Honorable Mention)
SEVA Teacher Donna McNeel
After 25 years of teaching, Mrs. McNeel took on the new challenge of teaching television journalism at Katherine L. Albiani Middle School. Developing a media program in 2020 was no small feat, and Mrs. McNeel has taken every challenge as an opportunity to grow her skills and the media program as a whole. She quickly made an impact on the SEVA teacher group and worked to strengthen the bonds between media teachers and students in her district and beyond. Mrs. McNeel takes of every advantage available to help her students advance in their media education.
Through the weekly broadcast KAMS TV, she instills responsibility in her students and works to insure that not just media students but all Albiani students have the chance to showcase their talents on the show. Under her guidance, KAMS TV has become the main means of communication and a vital tool that connects students and their families with the school.