Since 2013, SECC has worked in collaboration with the Sacramento Metropolitan Cable Commission and Sacramento County School Districts to bring the SEVA Grant Program to schools in order to develop and strengthen educational media programs throughout Sacramento County with the ultimate goal of making students creators of media rather than consumers.
Participation in the SEVA Grant Program is a collaborative and cost share process between SECC, school sites, and school districts. The general concept is total costs will be shared – 1/3 each school, district and SECC. Each participating site receives assistance with equipment, installation, facilities, maintenance, program and curriculum development, and ongoing program support. All sites also assist with providing resources to other media teachers and programs throughout the county.

Under the SEVA Grant Program a dedicated media teacher as well as ongoing support from school staff and the school district is vital. All teachers are responsible for the continued success and growth of the media program. The SEVA Grant Program is developed as a long term partnership and it is important for a teacher and school to have a long term site vision and to be dedicated to continuing the program through challenges. While the school and district are responsible for providing continual training and technology support for the media teacher and program, these partnerships, with the support of SECC, are what make the SEVA Program successful.
SECC’s provided funding for the program originates from the Sacramento Metropolitan Cable Television Commission. The partnership with the Sacramento Metropolitan Cable Television Commission requires that grantees regularly contribute programming to the educational channels and participate in the SEVA Awards each year.
Interested in applying for a grant?
SECC is committed to securing funding each year. Typically, there are two rounds of funding, in the fall and spring. Both new media programs as well as existing SEVA Studios are able to apply for funds. Anyone interested in applying for a grant will need the following information:
All requests will be reviewed by SECC with the applicant. It is important to SECC that all equipment provided is the best fit for the school site and program, therefore each grant is unique and customized to the site.
Grant applicants should set aside ample time to complete the request and ensure they have the above background information as well as goals and vision for the media program before submitting their request. Please keep in mind the application you fill out is your request for funding and should be completed as you would any other official grant including proper spelling, complete sentences and with all requested information provided. If you’d like to learn more about any upcoming SEVA Grant opportunities, reach out via email.