English for a Better Life
Learning a new language can be intimidating, but Capital Adult Education Regional Consortium gives adult students the tools and support to learn English and options to continue their education. Nearly all of CAERC’s adult schools and community colleges offer English as a second language (ESL) classes. Students can also take courses to prepare them to apply for U.S. citizenship. Together, these offerings help our community’s newest members effectively communicate and gain the skills to be employable. CAERC’s plan to align pathways between its members will offer a seamless transition from ESL and citizenship classes to adult secondary education, training programs or college.
The Capital Adult Education Regional Consortium (CAERC) can help you reach your academic and career goals. Through our network of participating adult schools, community colleges, and community-based organizations, we connect adults with programs that teach you the skills you need to achieve your goals! The Capital Adult Education Regional Consortium (CAERC) is comprised of 14 members and 24 partners from throughout the Los Rios Community College District geographical boundary. Members include large and small school districts, county offices of education, and representatives from all four of the Los Rios colleges. CAERC partners include other adult education stakeholders from throughout the region.
To get started, please visit: http://capitaladulted.org