What Would YOU do if You Saw Your Friend Cutting?
SEVA 2017 Honorable Mention
Public Service Announcement (PSA): 4-6
Program Title: What Would YOU do if You Saw Your Friend Cutting?
Producers: Claire, Brooklynn, Gracie, Summer, Zarin
School: Creative Connections Arts Academy
Target Audience: students
Program Idea: We wanted to do something that no one has done before, or at least that we have not seen before.
Message: We wanted to make young girls and boys know that you are perfect and you don’t have to hurt yourself to take the pain away.
Share your vision with the SEVAs! – http://secctv.org/seva/
Check out Creative Connections Arts Academy – http://ccaahs-trusd-ca.schoolloop.com/
For more information about Twin Rivers USD – http://www.twinriversusd.org/