Honorable Mention
PSA: 9-12
Program Title
To Save a Life
Sarena Vasquez
Franklin High School
Target Audience
Youth/Suicidal Youth
Program Idea
Personally, I have struggled to cope with suicide myself. Having come out of that terrible experience as a survivor, I sympathize with those who still have yet to come out of the woods. Art was one of my saving graces through those hard times, that has connected me to many inspiring people who love and support me. I am grateful to have the opportunity to use my skills to participate in a project that’s primary focus is something I’m very passionate about. Not only that, but this allows me to reach out to those who are still struggling with suicide through my art— like how others have done for me.
I want people struggling with suicide or anyone who knows someone who is struggling with suicide to reach out and ask for help. If a person talks about ending their life, treating them seriously about the issue and connecting them to a trusted adult is the best possible course of action.