The Pick is a weekly video broadcast created in the SEVA Studio at Sutter Middle School. The broadcast airs every Monday during Core classes. 8th grade students are responsible for planning the content for each episode, recording all the segments, and putting together the final broadcast. One of the most unique things about this program is that the students are only in the class for one year so they can’t waste any time getting started. Kyle Heckey, the media teacher at Sutter, works his magic each year training young media producers to create award-winning segments in record time. Mr. Heckey’s class is full of students who have stories about being shy or reserved before being put in front of the camera. There are also quite a few that have found a new passion they plan on pursuing in high school and beyond. Each year SEVA judges are amazed at the quality of videos that come out of this program and it seems like each year the videos only get better.
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